Amiga Mag HDD Backup
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AmigaGuide 34.6 Commodore AmigaGuide hypertext utility
Archive distribution of the AmigaGuide hypertext utility direct from
Commodore. Contains developer examples and tools for AmigaGuide under
V34/V37 and V39, plus a new free print/sign/send-in distribution
license for AmigaGuide, amigaguide.library, WDisplay, and their icons.
Author: Commodore Business Machines
Path: AmigaLibDisk1001:Programs/AmigaGuide/
MultiFileSystem 1.1 An interface to other file systems
Thanks to the versatility of AmigaDOS, we are able to use many different
file systems on our disks. The most popular is of course CrossDOS (tm), but
many other file systems can be found in the PD.
Adding a new file system to the Amiga is simplicity itself: just copy a
file in L:, provide a suitable mountlist, and there you go.
This works flawlessy if every physical unit is accessed by a single file
system, but if multiple file systems share the same device, some problems
- You have to call the same unit with different names (e.g. DF0: and PC0:)
depending of the kind of disk inserted.
- When you insert a PC disk, the Workbench shows a DF0:???? icon, and vice
versa; this can be very annoying especially for owners of more than one
- When a file system is busy (for example during a DiskCopy), the other file
systems can still access the disk; this goes against the concept of
"inhibiting" a device.
MultiFileSystem solves all of these problems. It isn't a file system in the
usual way: it is an interface to other file systems. When you mount it, you
tell it which file systems it should use; afterwards, when a disk is
inserted, MultiFileSystem will recognize it and pass the commands to the
appropriate file system. This means that with a single device name, for
example DF0:, you can access any conceivable file system!
You are not limited to floppy drives, of course: I successfully installed
MultiFileSystem over a 128Mb magnetooptical drive.
Author: Nicola Salmoria
Path: AmigaLibDisk1001:Programs/MFS/
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Bview 1.10 IFF Viewer with extensive GUI (ECS/AGA)
Bview 1.10 IFF ILBM viewer with GUI for all functions
for kickstart 37.175 and higher ECS & AGA support.
copyright 1992-1994 by Joeri Alberty.
> Features of Bview <
- Gadget Intuition interface (gadtools.library) for every function.
- Easy change Viewmodes with a click of your mouse
- Easy scale your bitmap to fit on screen.
- Print a picture with adjustment of printer settings
- Save a picture in IFF ILBM , Scr , Raw on disk
- View the IFF ILBM -> BMHD CAMG etc ...
- Save your environment of Bview to ENV: etc ...
- Save information about picture to disk or printer. (MakeText
- Make a Slide show by pressing a button..
- Use Double buffered mode (load one pic & view the other.
-----> Improvements from 1.02 to 1.05
- HAM KEY USING message fixed.
- Save problem with 256 colors fixed.
- Scaling routines can now enlarge a picture if it is a brush etc...
(Use Fit & Scale (Aspect & Scale) in Change mode menu and press Render)
- Ilbm to source generates now colortables for
- You can now use an AppIcon Set 'PRO_START=2' in Tooltypes (Bview icon)
- load and display, 'PRO_START=1' make Bview an Commodity)
- Compiled with SAS C/C++ 6.51 with optimiser ... (__inline)
-----> Improvements from 1.06 to 1.10
- Information & Option menu's rewritten
Now you can use DBmode ,promoted mode etc..
- Loader & saver rewritten to improve speed.
- BIG problem fixed with some pointers of the IFFparse library
Now you don't loose your colors anymore.
- More stable than 1.06 by rewriting the process routines.
Now you have a viewer,GUI with a loader and not the other way around.
- SHELL support improved.
Now you can use #? & / for loading directories & wildcards.
see guide for more information & examples.
Gives you information when something did go wrong
- Other smaller improvements in the code ...
- Changed save routine of ENV: so it doesn't crash anymore.
- You can load mangled pictures & display them partly.
Author: Joeri Alberty
Path: AmigaLibDisk1002:Programs/Bview/
SIRDS_GEN 3.14 Single Image Random Dot Stereogram genr.
Single-Image-Random-Dot Stereogram generator. SIRDSs are "real"
three-dimensional pictures. The dots (which seem random) are calculated
in such a way that if you focus "behind" the picture (monitor,etc), you
will see a 3D pic with a real feeling of "depth". This version features:
Function plotting, and viewing as SIRDS; Free choice of screen-mode;
Scaling of the picture; Should run on Graphics cards too (not much tested,
but Picasso II is working); Automatic correction of the eyewidth to the
displaymode; Uses datatypes for reading the picture; 32-bit color
functions used; Uses a symmetric algorithm; Generation of "SIS" possible;
Flimmering, various settings possible, 3 different pattern-modes and more!
Author: Michael Mutschler
Path: AmigaLibDisk1002:Programs/SIRDS_GEN/
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Scout 1.3 Tool to monitor computer system.
A tool that allows you to monitor your computer system. It displays
many different things - like tasks, ports, assigns, expansion boards,
resident commands, interrupts, etc. - and you can perform some
certain actions on them.
For example you can freeze tasks, close windows and screens, release
semaphores or remove locks, ports and interrupts.
An implemented ARexx interface makes you these actions available, too.
Author: Andreas Gelhausen
Path: AmigaLibDisk1003:Programs/Scout/
VMM 2.1 Virtual memory for Amigas w/68030/68040
VMM implements a virtual memory manager for Amigas with a 68040 or
68030 processor. A nice GUI to enter all parameters and to disable
certain tasks and load files from using virtual memory is also
V2.1 fixes various bugs in V2.0a. It also includes a write buffer for
pages going out to disk, making VMM a lot faster. Paging to a file
has also been speeded up significantly.
Author: Martin Apel
Path: AmigaLibDisk1003:Programs/VMM/
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Heddley 1.18 Composes AmigaGuide files easily.
Heddley allows you to compose AmigaGuide files with greater ease than
by hand. It provides you with an overview of all the documents in the
database (an AmigaGuide file is called a 'database', made up of many
Author: Edd Dumbill
Path: AmigaLibDisk1004:Programs/Heddley/
WANT 1.017 Searches textfiles for keywords
WANT let's you search a textfile, like INDEX, for one or two "search
terms". If two terms are entered, you may select AND or OR as logical
operators. WANT is very fast. Searches on a 1200 take about one second
for a 1MB file. A full GUI interface and presetable options via tooltypes
make this is a powerful search facility. The output of a search can be
directed to your favorite filereader or text editor. This is version 1.017,
with a planned release of version 2 around December 1994.
WB2.04 & up. ReqTools Library required, but not included. EGREP and GAWK
are required and included. CLI or WorkBench. GiftWare.
IMPORTANT: The docs for WANT are located in WANT/DOCS. Please read
them before installing and using WANT. Installation requires you to
leave all of the included files in their directories.
Author: Will Bow
Path: AmigaLibDisk1004:Programs/WANT/
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AmiCDFS 37.5 CDROM fs, also reads Mac floppy & hd
AmiCDFileSystem is a file system which can read:
- ISO-9660 (w/ RockRidge extensions) and Macintosh HFS CD-ROMs
- Macintosh HFS floppy and hard disks
The ability to read Macintosh floppy and hard disks comes for free, since
they use the same file system used for HFS CD-ROMs.
This program was originally based on AmiCDROM 1.9 by Frank Munkert.
While the file system functions are mostly the original ones, the
packet handling routines have been completely re-written.
This file system can be installed on the Rigid Disk Block (RDB) of an hard
disk to automatically mount a Mac partition (you can even boot from it, if
you manage to put the necessary Amiga system files in it).
The code is reentrant and is shared among multiple instances of the file
system. This means that if you use AmiCDFileSystem on a CD-ROM drive, a
magneto-optical drive, two floppy drives and two hard disk partitions, like
a friend of mine does, only one copy will be loaded instead of six - saving
100K of memory.
Author: Nicola Salmoria, based on AmiCDROM by Frank Munkert
Path: AmigaLibDisk1005:Programs/AmiCDFS/
AmiCDROM 1.13 ISO-9660 standard CDROM filesystem
AmiCDROM is a CDROM disk filing system for the Commodore Amiga.
It supports the ISO-9660 standard, the Rock Ridge Interchange
Protocol and the Macintosh HFS format.
The CDROM drive is mounted as a DOS device (e.g. CD0:). You can
access files and directories on a CDROM disk by the usual syntax,
e.g. "type cd0:foo/readme.txt".
Author: Frank Munkert
Path: AmigaLibDisk1005:Programs/AmiCDROM/
Mine Clone 1.1 Another clone of Minesweeper-style games
I've tried to make it looking like the IBM Minesweeper, but includes
some features the Original is missing. (sizeable window, changeable size
of minefields) And another difference: it needs Kick 3.0. I wanted
it running on the workbench screen but with nice colors. But palette
sharing is only available under Kick 3.0.
Here's a list about MineClones's features:
- sizeable window
- variable size of fields
- nice GUI and colors (and a nice smiley :-)
- flashing fields
- choose bombs by number or percentage
- Saveclick-option, Automark-option
- global Automark-function, clearing all the trivial cases
- needs Kick 3.0 and reqtools.library
- written in E
Author: Nico Max
Path: AmigaLibDisk1005:Programs/MineClone/
Schiffeversenken 1.0 Find and sink your opponents ships
A little game with 3 degrees of difficulty. The object is a battle of
ships. You have to find and sink the ships of your opponent before
he finds yours.
Author: Andreas Zottmann and Felix Eichhorn
Path: AmigaLibDisk1005:Programs/Schiffeversenken/